Hi Buchan,
    Here is the ACL's from one of the slaves

access to dn.regex=".*,dc=pro-unlimited,dc=com"
  by self write
  by dn="uid=replicator,ou=ldapbods,ou=people,dc=pro-unlimited,dc=com" write
  by dn="uid=sysadmin,ou=ldapbods,ou=people,dc=pro-unlimited,dc=com" write
  by * auth

access to dn.regex=".*,dc=pro-unlimited,dc=com"
  by self write
  by dn="uid=replicator,ou=ldapbods,ou=people,dc=pro-unlimited,dc=com" write
  by dn="uid=sysadmin,ou=ldapbods,ou=people,dc=pro-unlimited,dc=com" write
  by * read

access to dn.regex=".*,dc=pro-unlimited,dc=com"
  by dn="uid=proxyuser,ou=ldapbods,ou=people,dc=pro-unlimited,dc=com" read
  by dn="uid=replicator,ou=ldapbods,ou=people,dc=pro-unlimited,dc=com" write
  by dn="uid=sysadmin,ou=ldapbods,ou=people,dc=pro-unlimited,dc=com" write
  by * read


----- Original Message ----
From: Buchan Milne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Steven Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: openLDAP software <openldap-software@OpenLDAP.org>
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 12:07:57 AM
Subject: Re: slurpd not replicating to slave at root

On Wednesday 16 August 2006 19:18, Steven Wong wrote:
> I was wondering if this is correct or if I have my access or config wrong.
> It seems that only "cn=manager,dc=pro-unlimited,dc=com", which is the
> rootdn can create a new child at the root level ( ie.
> ou=netgroup,dc=pro-unlimited,dc=com ) and my replica uses
> binddn="uid=replicator,ou=ldapbods,ou=people,dc=pro-unlimited,dc=com"
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] openldap]# ldapadd -x -D
> "uid=sysadmin,ou=ldapbods,ou=people,dc=pro-unlimited,dc=com" -w <passwd> -a
> -f /tmp/netg adding new entry "ou=netgroup,dc=pro-unlimited,dc=com"
> ldap_add: Insufficient access
>         additional info: no write access to parent
> ldif_record() = 50
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] openldap]# ldapadd -x -D
> "uid=replicator,ou=ldapbods,ou=people,dc=pro-unlimited,dc=com" -w <passwd>
> -a -f /tmp/netg adding new entry "ou=netgroup,dc=pro-unlimited,dc=com"
> ldap_add: Insufficient access
>         additional info: no write access to parent
> ldif_record() = 50
> If I were to use uid=replicator/sysadmin to add things under
> ou=hosts/people, I am able to add them fine.
> Does that mean, my only choice to get around this, such that sync can
> happen, even at the top level, is to use the rootdn as the binddn?

No, it is preferable *not* to use the rootdn as replicadn, and it is entirely 
possible to have it replicate any change in the directory, if your ACLs allow 

> If there are any info needed, please let me know.

A list of your ACLs would help.


Buchan Milne
ISP Systems Specialist

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