
Limit the search scope to base (-s base) and as a base use the DN,
something like this:

ldapsearch -x -h my_ldap_server -b "cn=Michael
Voss,ou=Eng,o=Firm,dc=domain,dc=org" -s base


On Wed, 2006-09-20 at 16:16 +0200, Moire wrote:
> Hello,
> maybe a silly question:
> Is it possible to search for a spezific DN?
> Lets say, this is my entry:
> cn=Michael Voss,ou=Eng,o=Firm,dc=domain,dc=org
> and i want to look direcly for it
> ldapsearch -x "(dn=cn=Michael Voss,ou=Eng,o=Firm,dc=domain,dc=org)"
> or similar.
> Thanks in advance.
> Moire

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