On Thursday 26 July 2007 16:05, Toby Blake wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm doing a bit of playing with slapo-pcache and have it working
> fairly well (particularly once I realised that an individual attr can
> live in only one proxyattrset).
Hm, I don't think that is correct. AFAIK it is possible to have an attribute 
present in multiple proxyattrsets.

> However, there's one bit that I can't get working - is there any way
> to define a template that will match a search which doesn't provide an
> attr list?
No. That is not possible.

> i.e. I can see quite a few searches (presumably from amd) of the
> following form (spacing and formatting changed by me to make it more
> readable):
> Jul 23 14:54:16 host1 slapd[26671]: conn=49 op=1
> SRCH base="dc=inf,dc=ed,dc=ac,dc=uk" scope=2 deref=0
> filter="(&(objectClass=amdmap)(amdmapName=home)(amdmapKey=root))"
> Jul 23 14:54:16 host1 slapd[26671]: query template of incoming query =
> (&(objectClass=)(amdmapName=)(amdmapKey=))
> Jul 23 14:54:16 host1 slapd[26671]: QUERY NOT ANSWERABLE
> Jul 23 14:54:16 host1 slapd[26671]: QUERY NOT CACHEABLE
> Jul 23 14:54:16 host1 slapd[26671]: conn=49 op=1 SEARCH RESULT tag=101
> err=0 nentries=0 text=
> Note that there's no 'SRCH attr=' line.
> I've tried proxyattrset of the following forms...
> proxyattrset 1 *
> proxyattrset 1
> (both of which crash slapd)
> And also
> proxyattrset 1 <full list of attrs returned when none specified>
> .... but this didn't work either.
> Thanks in advance for any advice,

Ralf Haferkamp
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstrasse 5, D-90409 Nuernberg
T: +49-911-74053-0
F: +49-911-74053575 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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