On Seg, 2008-01-28 at 09:12 -0500, Aaron Richton wrote:
> My syncrepl provider seems to be missing updates following an upgrade to 
> 2.3.40. While I was trying to push them through this morning, I got an odd 
> message:
> Jan 28 08:46:19 slapd[12685]: [ID 588225 local4.debug] conn=234174 op=2 
> RESULT tag=107 err=80 text=DN index delete failed
> Is there anything I can do about this, or maybe just an idea of where to 
> look or what information to take down for next time? I was going to try 
> and file an ITS for tracking or maybe to try and walk some structures, but 
> the DN in question deleted without incident about ten minutes later.

I would start checking for permission problems in the database
directory. Usually there is an unprivileged 'ldap' user setup that needs
to be able to write there.

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