Am Mittwoch 12 November 2008 17:27:30 schrieb Gavin Henry:
> Hi All,
> I'm just writing up the small overlay section on slapo-syncprov (not much
> to it), but the man page has confused me:
>        syncprov-sessionlog <ops>
>               Specify a session log  for  recording  information  about 
> write operations made on the database.  The <ops> specifies the number of
> operations that are recorded in the log. All write operations (except 
> Adds)  are recorded in the log.  When using the session log, it is helpful
> to set an eq index on the entryUUID attribute in the underlying database.
> "All write operations (except  Adds) are recorded in the log."
> What log are we talking about here?
The sessionlog :). IIRC it is just an in-memory list of entryUUIDs of changed 
(modified/deleted) entries.


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