Pierangelo Masarati wrote:
Howard Chu wrote:
Peter Mogensen wrote:
masar...@aero.polimi.it wrote:
- load server 1 using slapadd with option -S (the SID of server 1) and -w

- slapcat server 1

- slapadd server 2 using the slapcat from server 1

this ensures you have consistent entryCSN and contextCSN

That's of course right.
But that will also more than double the time needed to load a backup on a mirrormode setup.

This procedure should only be needed if the LDIF doesn't already contain
correct CSNs. If you're loading a backup from a 2.4 slapcat you can just
slapadd it on all servers at once.

My understanding is that he was loading LDIF from 2.3, which has a different format for CSN. So the first run with -S and -w was intended to initialize CSN info in 2.4 format with the SID of the first master. This would probably require to remove entryCSN values from the original LDIF.

I've done as above.
"slapadd -S 1 -q -w" on server-1 (Server-ID 1)

Then slapcat on server-1

I would have expected the entryCSN values in the output to now be with SID 1, but they look like this:
entryCSN: 20071214130312.000000Z#000000#000#000000

Then contextCSN is also with SID 0:
contextCSN: 20090929120520.000000Z#000000#000#000000

Though that surpised me I impirted the LDIF to server-2 (SID 2) and
replication seems to work.
However, after the first change from server-1 has been replicated to server-2, there are now 2 contextCSN's on server-2:
entryCSN: 20071214130312.000000Z#000000#000#000000
contextCSN: 20090929120520.000000Z#000000#000#000000
contextCSN: 20091112161735.074445Z#000000#001#000000

... the last one with SID 1.

This is not the behaviour I would have expected.


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