On Jun 14, 2010, at 1:56 PM, Aaron Richton wrote:

> Please keep replies on the list.
> On Mon, 14 Jun 2010, Ariel wrote:
>> On Jun 14, 2010, at 1:33 PM, Aaron Richton wrote:
>>> On Mon, 14 Jun 2010, Ariel wrote:
>>>> I don't like having the /etc/ldap.conf world readable [...]
>>>> Advice?
>>> And you didn't chmod /etc/passwd and /etc/group too? What if people get 
>>> valuable information out of those? You can't do this and be POSIX 
>>> multi-user; getgr*/getpw* are unprivileged operations. Your users should be 
>>> able to get some output with getent(1), and your users should be able to 
>>> get the same output with "cat /etc/ldap.conf" and a bit of thought, and any 
>>> attempts to make that harder will be a waste of time on your part. Change 
>>> back the permissions, or change your OS.
>>> Now, with all this said, if your users can get *more* information with "cat 
>>> /etc/ldap.conf" and thought than getent(1) provides, that may well be a 
>>> configuration error on your part, which would be appropriate to discuss on 
>>> this list...
>> I have not heard of getent before, but it seems it would only be able to 
>> read ldap users if there was a copy of the ldap database locally?  Or am I 
>> wrong about this?
> Don't think about this in terms of LDAP or any other network name service. 
> Imagine you've got a fresh-from-factory laptop. You start adding users, they 
> go into /etc/passwd. /etc/passwd is world-readable. Everybody on the laptop 
> can see the list of users as you update it.
> Same for a server with LDAP. The actual name service is irrelevant, it's a 
> requirement of the API that has to be provided...
>> I am not worried about local users being seen, there are few per server and 
>> they have low privileges.  I was worried about someone being able to read 
>> all our ldap users which can access every system on our network and many of 
>> which have very high privileges.  This is the reason why we restrict reading 
>> from our ldap server to a validated read-only user in the first place.
> OK, again forget LDAP. You've got two servers now, each with their own 
> /etc/passwd. Say there are 6 users on one and 8 on the other. In the simple, 
> non-network case, cat /etc/passwd should show 6 or 8 (depending on where you 
> type it) and getent passwd should match with 6 or 8 users shown.
>> Even if they cannot read the password hash, getting a full list of users 
>> seemed like something I would want to avoid.  But if any attempts at doing 
>> so in the way I was describing is meaningless then I can move on to other 
>> things that need doing.
> ...well, to continue my example, if you configure things such that "getent 
> passwd" shows 14 users, that would probably be a mistake. You're right that 
> outputting a full list of users, across disparate authentication 
> configurations, is probably something to be avoided.
> But that's what ACLs are for. See slapd.access(5). And you do this 
> server-side (possibly combined with a binddn on the client) by editing the 
> world-readable ldap.conf, not by chmod'ing the file...

Sorry, hit the quick reply button by accident.  Thanks for the reply though, I 
understand more about what you were saying.  And `getent passwd` does show all 
of the posixAccount users in ldap, that is interesting and not good.

I understand what you mean about changing ACL's in slapd.conf even though I 
don't know exactly how I would set the permissions yet.  And it does seem more 
secure in the long run, such that if any random server is compromised, with the 
basic read-only ldap account should not be able to give them a list of every 
user in the tree.  I will search the interwebs for docs on securing openldap 
instead of randomly assuming things.  Thank you very much for the input!

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