On 29/06/2011 16:15, Daniel Qian wrote:

Not sure if it is the same on Debian but on Fedora I only copied the
"workplace" output schema file (autofs.schema in my case) to
/etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn=config/cn=schema/ without modifying anything. I
restarted slapd after that and everything worked for me. Surprisingly
easy although I had to do a restart.

Then I think you must be flamed too...

But if you did so, then why just not to stay with slapd.conf?

It still work and is far easier to understand and manage.

Simone Piccardi                                 Truelite Srl
picca...@truelite.it (email/jabber)             Via Monferrato, 6
Tel. +39-347-1032433                            50142 Firenze
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