Couple of quick corrections.

Primary Groups are in Windows for UNIX/POSIX type use; it had nothing to do
with hybrid NT/AD domains. Windows nor Windows NT really didn't care about
that value; 99%+ Windows environments that I have seen (literally
thousands) the primarygroup ID is Domain Users with a smattering of Domain
Admins. Companies (usually larger companies) that had UNIX apps bumping up
against Windows file servers or apps ported to Windows from UNIX would make
use of the primarygroup and those companies would switch the values up as
needed. SFU later added in a Primary Group Name / GID attribute to AD to
use for UNIX integration.

Only Global and Universal groups in the same domain as the user can be
primary groups for a user. Domain Local Groups cannot be Primary Groups and
you can't use a Global/Universal group from Domain A as the primary group
for a user in Domain B.

The storage of primary groups is broken out the way it is because there
used to be a fuzzy hard limit on the number of members in a group. If you
got above a certain number of members and based on the current memory use
on a given DC you could run out of versionstore which would effectively
plug up replication. It may unplug itself if you are close to the edge but
for really large memberships you could permanently stop replication until
the group was trimmed down. That fuzzy limit was ~5000 or so members.
Clearly there were many NT4 domains that already had primary groups with
more WAY more than 5000 members (the MSFT recommended limit was 40k users,
I was personally running one environment with over 80k users in one domain
and 60k users in another domain) so they had to come up with an alternate
solution - so along came primarygroupid attribute. Windows Server 2003
introduced a new mechanism for storing group memberships (called Linked
Values which only works for DN type attributes) and added linked value
replication which allowed value level replication for linked attributes
(like member) instead of sending the entire group membership every time it

If making a generic app or script I completely agree that primary group
membership should be handled properly. Ignoring it as a large number of
publicly available scripts and code snippets do is wrong and cause of
issues for companies that actually use alternate primary group memberships.

Depending on the version of the OS you may not be able to search directly
for the friendly string format of objectsid. Early on you had to convert it
to a blob and send it that way, I think that has been fixed since W2K3 so
you generally should be good using it but there is still, unbelievably, a
lot of Windows 2000 and even Windows NT out there. The <SID=blah> format is
one of two special search base formats available (the other being
<GUID=blah> that let you specify something other than a DN for a search
base. They require an available global catalog for resolution. See for more

For the "unwilling to perform" piece, if you can retrieve the extended
error info including the DSID that can help understand what is wrong. That
is a weird error for that type of request, normally you would expect
something like an invalid DN.

[Fri 04/11/2014 20:15:34.38]
C:\temp>adfind -b "<SID=S-1-5-21-2219134293-820887505-3664443653-513>" -s
base member

AdFind V01.47.00cpp Joe Richards ( October 2012

Using server: TestADI-DC1.testadi.loc:389
Directory: Windows Server 2003

dn:CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=testadi,DC=loc
>member: CN=testblah,CN=Users,DC=testadi,DC=loc
>member: CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=testadi,DC=loc

1 Objects returned

[Fri 04/11/2014 20:15:37.70]
C:\temp>adfind -b "<SID=S-1-5-21-2219134293-820887505-3664443653->" -s base
member -exterr

AdFind V01.47.00cpp Joe Richards ( October 2012

Using server: TestADI-DC1.testadi.loc:389
Directory: Windows Server 2003

ldap_get_next_page_s: [TestADI-DC1.testadi.loc] Error 0x22 (34) - Invalid
DN Syntax

Extended Error: 0000208F: LdapErr: DSID-0C090654, comment: Error processing
name, data 0, vece

0 Objects returned


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