On 04/26/15 17:13, Michael Ströder wrote:
dE wrote:
Super this is the superclass chain --


A is defined by MUST ObjectClass MAY ( cn abc xyz cxy )
B is defined by MUST ObjectClass MAY ( cn cxy )

Then an entry belonging to B (explicit) and A (implicit, automatically added)
cannot have attributes abc and xyz.


B would have MAY ( cn abc xyz cxy ).

Example for A:

objectclass ( <some-oid-for-A>
  NAME 'A'
  MAY ( cn $ abc $ xyz $ cxy ) )

These three variants have the same MAY attribute set ( cn $ abc $ xyz $ cxy ):

objectclass ( <some-oid-for-B>
  NAME 'B'
  MAY ( cn $ cxy ) )

objectclass ( <some-oid-for-B>
  NAME 'B'
  MAY ( cn $ abc $ xyz $ cxy ) )

objectclass ( <some-oid-for-B>
  NAME 'B'
  SUP A )

Ciao, Michael.


So the significance of subordinate classes is to add a MUST attributes only. The possible attributes that any object can have is defined in the TOP object class; regardless of what object class the entry belongs to, any attribute listed in the TOP object class can be added to it.

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