--On Monday, May 04, 2015 3:08 PM +0200 Frank Offermanns <frank.offerma...@caseris.de> wrote:


in our custom schema we have used several attributes with the syntax:
attributetype ( myAttributeType:106 NAME ( 'casFileContent' )
        DESC 'Contains the file'
        SINGLE-VALUE )

We defined this schema before this syntax was dropped.

Everything worked for a long time. Now with OpenLDAP Version 2.4.39 and
newer a slapcat does  no longer export this attributes as MimeContent,
but as plain text. So the ldif can't be used for importing. So I started
a research why and found that this syntax was dropped. But for downward
compatibility shouldn't it still export this syntax as mime content,
shouldt it?
This would be important, since in inetorgperson.schema the 2 attributes
userSMIMECertificate and userPKCS12 still use it.

What syntax should I use for files stored in LDAP?
And even more important, how can I change the syntax of a attribute. Is
there a migration strategy to change the syntax of a attribute?

Hi Frank,

A couple of things:

a) I don't see any ITS filed for this issue. Generally that means if this is a real bug, nothing will/can be fixed, since it hasn't been reported as a problem.

b) I still see that this syntax is part of inetorgperson.schema and in schema_init.c

static slap_syntax_defs_rec syntax_defs[] = {
       {"( DESC 'Binary' "
               X_NOT_H_R ")",
               SLAP_SYNTAX_BER, NULL, berValidate, NULL},

so it appears to me that it still exists as a valid syntax, using SLAP_SYNTAX_BER?



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Platform Architect
Zimbra, Inc.
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration

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