
I can't use ldapmodrdn command when some attributes like givenname contains 
accented characters, the error is "Rename result: Invalid DN syntax(34)

My configuration is a server with Linux centos 7  and Openldap 2.4.35

The client is a windows XP where i copy the binarie ldapmodrdn.exe from 
openldap for windows 2.4.32

When i launch this command for example on linux server it is ok but on the xp 
client it doesn't work :

ldapmodrdn -h xx.xx.xx.xx:389 -D cn=admin,c=fr -w yyyyyy -s "ou=TEST,c=FR" 
"cn=TEST Véronique,ou=TEST2,c=FR" "cn=Myname Véronique"

I think the problem is with the executable ldapmodrdn.exe. Where can i find an 
equivalent version of the linux version that can works on windows ? Have you an 
idea to solve the problem ?


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