--On Friday, January 08, 2016 3:38 PM -0600 Graham Allan <al...@physics.umn.edu> wrote:

Replying to my own message here, but I continue to investigate my problem
and can't explain what I see. I put together a small test program to
connect to our ldap server using same parameters as smbd. Setting "ldap
debug level = 1" in smb.conf, and the equivalent LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE in my
test program shows the smbd output complaining of certificate signature

smbd output:
[LDAP] ldap_simple_bind_s
[LDAP] ldap_sasl_bind_s
[LDAP] ldap_sasl_bind
[LDAP] ldap_send_initial_request
[LDAP] ldap_new_connection 1 1 0
[LDAP] ldap_int_open_connection
[LDAP] ldap_connect_to_host: TCP ldap.spa.umn.edu:636
[LDAP] ldap_new_socket: 9
[LDAP] ldap_prepare_socket: 9
[LDAP] ldap_connect_to_host: Trying
[LDAP] ldap_pvt_connect: fd: 9 tm: -1 async: 0
[LDAP] attempting to connect:
[LDAP] connect success
[LDAP] TLS trace: SSL_connect:before/connect initialization
[LDAP] TLS trace: SSL_connect:SSLv2/v3 write client hello A
[LDAP] TLS trace: SSL_connect:SSLv3 read server hello A
[LDAP] TLS certificate verification: depth: 3, err: 0, subject:
/C=SE/O=AddTrust AB/OU=AddTrust External TTP Network/CN=AddTrust
External CA Root,[LDAP]  issuer: /C=SE/O=AddTrust AB/OU=AddTrust
External TTP Network/CN=AddTrust External CA Root [LDAP] TLS certificate
verification: depth: 2, err: 0, subject: /C=US/ST=New Jersey/L=Jersey
City/O=The USERTRUST Network/CN=USERTrust RSA Certification
Authority,[LDAP]  issuer: /C=SE/O=AddTrust AB/OU=AddTrust External TTP
Network/CN=AddTrust External CA Root [LDAP] TLS certificate
verification: depth: 1, err: 0, subject: /C=US/ST=MI/L=Ann
Arbor/O=Internet2/OU=InCommon/CN=InCommon RSA Server CA,[LDAP]  issuer:
/C=US/ST=New Jersey/L=Jersey City/O=The USERTRUST Network/CN=USERTrust
RSA Certification Authority [LDAP] TLS certificate verification: depth:
0, err: 7, subject:
/C=US/postalCode=55455/ST=MN/L=Minneapolis/street=100 Union Street
SE/O=University of Minnesota/OU=School of Physics and
Astronomy/CN=ldap.spa.umn.edu,[LDAP]  issuer: /C=US/ST=MI/L=Ann
Arbor/O=Internet2/OU=InCommon/CN=InCommon RSA Server CA [LDAP] TLS
certificate verification: Error, certificate signature failure [LDAP]
TLS certificate verification: depth: 0, err: 7, subject:
/C=US/postalCode=55455/ST=MN/L=Minneapolis/street=100 Union Street
SE/O=University of Minnesota/OU=School of Physics and
Astronomy/CN=ldap.spa.umn.edu,[LDAP]  issuer: /C=US/ST=MI/L=Ann
Arbor/O=Internet2/OU=InCommon/CN=InCommon RSA Server CA [LDAP] TLS
trace: SSL_connect:SSLv3 read server certificate A
[LDAP] TLS trace: SSL_connect:SSLv3 read server done A
[LDAP] TLS trace: SSL_connect:SSLv3 write client key exchange A
[LDAP] TLS trace: SSL_connect:error in error
[LDAP] TLS trace: SSL_connect:error in error
[LDAP] TLS: can't connect: .

Error in error is a pretty interesting. What SSL libs is samba linked to? What SSL libs is your test program linked to?



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Platform Architect
Zimbra, Inc.
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration

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