I am going to remove my second. I understand
http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin24/access-control.html now. I was
confused between the the difference between the explicit SASL/EXTERNAL
and the bind I manged to do without the "-Y EXTERNAL" I did.

On 09/01/2016 07:57 PM, John Lewis wrote:
> I am going to second this.
> On 09/01/2016 05:40 AM, Tom Jay wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Can I make a request that certain features of the access control
>> documentation are emphasized? I've wasted quite a lot of time on this
>> and some simple rules (which already exist in the documentation)
>> would have been really helpful. These are:
>> 8. Access Control
>> 8.2. Access Control via Static Configuration
>> 8.2.5. Access Control Examples
>>     To all attributes except homePhone, an entry can write to itself,
>>     entries under example.com entries can search by them, anybody
>>     else has no access (implicit by * none) excepting for
>>     authentication/authorization (*which is always done anonymously*).
>>         The fact that authentication is always done anonymously, even
>>         if anonymous binds are disabled in the configuration, is very
>>         important.
>> 8.2.4. Access Control Evaluation
>>     Slapd stops with the first <what> selector that matches the entry
>>     and/or attribute.
>>         This is also very important, as it explains exactly how the
>>         access rules are processed.
>>     The order of evaluation of access directives makes their
>>     placement in the configuration file important.
>>         I don't think this is emphasized enough, as it is critical to
>>         how the access rules are processed.
>> Also, some mention of the ACL log level would be useful!
>> Thanks.
>> Tom

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