On Mon, 2017-09-18 at 14:31 +1200, Martin van den Nieuwelaar wrote:
> Hi People,
> I'm writing an application using Qt and wish to use the openldap
> library 
> within my program to query an LDAP server.  I have been searching
> for 
> instructions on using the library from a client point of view but
> have 
> not been successful.  I tried using the man pages and I think I'm
> part 
> way there but have reached an impasse on the correct way (or any way
> at 
> all for that matter) to extract the results from an LDAPMessage
> *.  I 
> have an example search working using the command line program 
> ldap_search, so the next thought is to look at the source for 
> ldap_search and see what calls it makes to figure things out.  This 
> somehow seems like the wrong way to be going about things however.
> Is there something equivalent for openldap to the documentation for 
> libcurl, https://ec.haxx.se/libcurl-easyhandle.html ?  If there is
> that 
> would be brilliant.
> I also tried searching for 3rd party howtos and tutorials and there
> are 
> a few of those but invariably they use now deprecated library calls.
> Regards,
> -Martin

The libcurl library supports LDAP. Howard Chu even wrote a new LDAP
implementation for it back in 2010 to make it fully asynchronous. Is
there a good reason not to use it?

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