On Sat, 30 Sep 2017 13:29:30 +0200
Michael Ströder <mich...@stroeder.com> wrote:

> > Is there an easy way to add the country or friendlyCountryName
> > as a MAY attribute without having to create my own objectClass?
> No. You might have additionally schema locally installed providing an
> AUXILIARY object class for person entries. But you have to dig your
> installed schema yourself.
> It's not that hard to define custom schema.

No, I was already playing with a custom schema, but for a newbie it's
not quite clear matter, there is a lot of outdated doc out there. But
anyway, I succeeded to load my own schema into the cn=config
structure :)

> You may also use 'msPerson' AUXILIARY object class defined herein:
> https://www.stroeder.com/stroeder.com.schema

Thnx, I'll have a closer look at it :)

BTW: I tried to use the "c" attribute in my AUXILIARY objectclass, but
slapd complains that it conflicts with the existing "c". I suppose this
is because I applied different properties to it?


richard lucassen

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