SHA-2 in any form is unsuitable for use as a password hash, simply because it 
is too easy to compute.
At this point the best choice is the one that won the Password Hashing 
Competition - Argon2.

Patches for adding this to OpenLDAP would of course be welcome.

Norman Gray wrote:
> Greetings.
> I've been doing some reading on password hashes, in OpenLDAP and elsewhere.  
> It's slightly harder to find explicit details about this, than I expected, 
> and some
> of what I learned was unexpected to me, though probably familiar to many on 
> this list.  In the expectation I'm not the only naive one, I'd like to log 
> these
> on-list, with a broad query about whether I'm understanding things correctly.
> There are very good discussions at [1] and [2].
> SHA-256/SHA-512 on OpenLDAP doesn't mean the same as what is nominally the 
> same hash function in glibc.  In OpenLDAP, the MD5 and SHA-whatever hash of a
> password is the result of hashing the password plus salt -- ie, pretty much 
> what I expected -- but in glibc's crypt(3), the $5$ and $6$ hashes are the 
> result of
> an unspecified number of rounds of such hashing (the $1$/MD5 glibc hash does 
> appear to be compatible with OpenLDAP {SMD5}, though).  (Quite possibly 
> everyone
> else in the world already knew this, but I didn't!)
> While the glibc $5$ and $6$ hashes are therefore, in principle, somewhat 
> resistant to brute-forcing, the OpenLDAP ones are not, and so should be 
> managed as
> confidential data.
> MD5 _isn't_ significantly worse than plain SHA-whatever for password hashing, 
> since its discovered defects with respect to collisions are not a problem for 
> this
> application (it's still resistant to 'preimages').  However both are unsafe 
> for secure password storage, simply because they're too fast (by design), and 
> MD5 is
> unusable simply because 'everyone knows MD5 is broken', so it would require 
> tedious explanation.
> Thus it would seem that the SHA-2 support optionally available in the 
> OpenLDAP distribution (in contrib/slapd-modules/passwd/sha2) doesn't actually 
> benefit me
> much, over and above the MD5 and SHA-1 support available by default.  However 
> PBKDF2 (available in contrib/slapd-modules/passwd/pbkdf2) would be usable
> immediately, though this appears to be not the best such function available.
> So the two options for password storage seem to be
>   * use {SSHA} and -- as [3] stresses -- protect password attributes as if 
> they were clear text; or
>   * one way or another use a hash-stretching algorithm such as bcrypt (though 
> [4] -- *sigh*) or scrypt [5] (maybe the best option?) or PBKDF2
>   * (and don't worry about having to protect password attributes?).
> Is that about right?
> Is there a consensus OpenLDAP best practice here?
> Best wishes,
> Norman
> [1]
> [2] 
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]

  -- Howard Chu
  CTO, Symas Corp. 
  Director, Highland Sun
  Chief Architect, OpenLDAP

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