This is the first testing call for OpenLDAP 2.5.7. Depending on the results, this may be the only testing call.

Generally, get the code for RE25:


Extract, configure, and build.

Execute the test suite (via make test) after it is built. Optionally, cd tests && make its to run through the regression suite.


OpenLDAP 2.5.7 Engineering
   Fixed lloadd client state tracking (ITS#9624)
   Fixed slapd bconfig to canonicalize structuralObjectclass (ITS#9611)
Fixed slapd-mdb multival crash when attribute is missing an equality matchingrule (ITS#9621)
   Fixed slapd-mdb compatibility with OpenLDAP 2.4 MDB databases (ITS#8958)
Fixed slapd-monitor number of ops executing with asynchronous backends (ITS#9628)
   Fixed slapd-sql to add support for ppolicy attributes (ITS#9629)
   Fixed slapd-sql to close transactions after bind and search (ITS#9630)
   Fixed slapo-accesslog to make reqMod optional (ITS#9569)
Fixed slapo-ppolicy logging when pwdChangedTime attribute is not present (ITS#9625)
       slapo-accesslog(5) note that reqMod is optional (ITS#9569)
       Add guide section on load balancer (ITS#9443)
Updated guide to document multiprovider as replacement for mirrormode (ITS#9200)
       Updated guide to clarify slapd-mdb upgrade requirements (ITS#9200)
Updated guide to document removal of deprecated options from client tools (ITS#9200)



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Product Architect
Symas Corporation
Packaged, certified, and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP:

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