hello, thanks for the answers!!

@quanah, Is it possible to install only libldap with openssl and not the
whole of openldap?

Em qua., 10 de jan. de 2024 às 15:50, Quanah Gibson-Mount <
qua...@fast-mail.org> escreveu:

> --On Wednesday, January 10, 2024 2:22 PM -0300 Lucas Castro
> <lu...@gnuabordo.com.br> wrote:
> >
> > Em 10/01/2024 13:59, dextá escreveu:
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> Is there a way to compile only the libldap with OpenSSL? I ask because
> >> I have installed on Debian 12 a version that uses GnuTLS, and I need
> >> to change it to OpenSSL.
> >
> > Hello Dexter,
> >
> > Debian openldap is already build against openSSL. Guess there's some
> > other package on your debian that require GnuTLS installed.
> >
> > But openldap is really build against openSSL.
> This is incorrect.  The OpenLDAP shipped by Debian is built against
> GnuTLS,
> not OpenSSL.  If an OpenSSL linked version of OpenLDAP for Debian is
> desired, I would suggest using the packages from Symas or the LTB project.
> <https://repo.symas.com/>
> <https://www.ltb-project.org/download.html>
> Regards,
> Quanah

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