Howard, hello.

On 8 Feb 2024, at 15:07, Howard Chu wrote:

>> Norman Gray wrote:
>> Howard, hello.
>> On 8 Feb 2024, at 0:34, Howard Chu wrote:
>>> 65c3df21.21fc2a30 0x16cacf000 
>>> ldap_url_parse_ext(ldap:///ou=groups,o=example?member?sub?(|(cn=ldap-admins-*)(cn=ldap-techs)))
>>> The above URL is not valid for a dynamic group. The attrs portion of the 
>>> URL must be empty.
>>> Since it's invalid, after it is parsed it gets ignored.
>> That's true when constructing what slapo-dynlist(5) calls a dynamic
>> group, but that's not what I'm constructing here, but instead a group
>> entry which is dynamically expanded, to a group, by a search.
> Whatever you've constructed is not a dynamic group, as defined in 
> slapo-dynlist.
> As such, it is not supported for the purpose you're asking.

Indeed -- it's not a 'dynamic group' in the terms of slapo-dynlist, but it is 
an entry which has a set of 'member' attributes, which is dynamically 
constructed (whatever one wants to call this).

But I can't see that matters, since the slapd-config(5) text covering the 
olcLimits configuration attribute seems to clearly indicate that

    olcLimits: group/groupOfURLs/member="cn=ldap-operators,ou=groups,o=example" 

'sets the limits for any DN listed in the values of the [member] attribute of 
the [groupOfURLs] group whose DN exactly matches 
["cn=ldap-operators,ou=groups,o=example"]' (where [...] fills in the blanks in 
the text there as I understand it).  I can't see a way of interpreting this 
manpage text which doesn't match this situation.  This works as expected when 
cn=ldap-operators is an entry which is not dynamically expanded.

It doesn't say that that group has to be a 'dynamic group in the terms of 
slapo-dynlist', it just says 'group'.

And slapo-dynlist says:

> Any time an entry with a specific objectClass is being returned,
> the LDAP URI-valued occurrences of a specific attribute are expanded
> into the corresponding entries, and the values of the attributes listed
> in the URI are added to the original entry.

This is exactly what happens when I ldapsearch the directory for this 
cn=ldap-operators entry, and what does not happen (because slapd logs that it 
can't find an attribute 'member') when the same group is returned from a search 
during processing of olcLimits.

The slapo-dynlist text says 'Any time an entry with a specific objectClass is 
being returned...'.  It  doesn't say 'returned in response to an external 
query', it just says 'returned', which I of course take to include returned in 
response to an internal query such as this one.

Or, stepping back more, how _should_ I dynamically create an entry which 
olcLimits will respect?  I'm quite happy to be told I'm barking up the wrong 
tree here.  Is OpenLDAP simply unable to do this, or is dynlist expansion 
documented somewhere as happening only in restricted circumstances?

Best wishes,


Norman Gray  :

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