
i just stuck on working on the RTP Desktop Sharer testing the UDP
Traffic in different environments and i cannot work full time on it
unfortunately, so i cannot say, when a really functional version will
be finished...

-> as far as i can say, the desktopsharing code will not concern OM
basic code in a broad manner, so that could be handled independent
from the release plans...
-> it would also be possible to uncomment the ConfigurationOption on
installation Servlet, so the unfinished RTP Sharer could not be
configured for users...

see ya


On 20 Jul., 09:28, Sebastian Wagner <seba.wag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi,
> I am just in the process of making modules. So I will have to do some
> changes to the Basic Code (Just like the problems that people reported with
> the new strings in the configuration file).
> I will have to add improvements weekly but I hope that these one's will have
> no big influence.
> But the work on Xuggler is finished in a way that we do not continue on that
> road at the moment.
> But the screen sharing part is also not ready for a production environment
> yet.
> So in a sense of *feature freeze* I would agree, there is no major feature
> that is going to be implemented at the moment but some minor improvements
> will be still checked in the next weeks.
> For the list of bugs and Issues targeted to the next release we can label
> them with *MileStone 0.9* and run that query on 
> it:http://code.google.com/p/openmeetings/issues/list?q=milestone%3DRelea...
> sebastian
> 2009/7/20 Alexei Fedotov <alexei.fedo...@gmail.com>
> > Hello Vladimir,
> > There errors have diffrent synopsis. AFAIK, the version r2082
> > installed athttp://telebridge.ru:5080/openmeetings/can handle
> > presentations. Some problem was introduced later.
> > All,
> > I believe we have to plan a code freeze to test the next release and
> > fix critical errors. To the best of my knowledge, the last time the
> > freeze was only partially successful - it ended in r2050, while the
> > last critical problem was fixed in r2052. This time we need to plan in
> > advance.
> > 1. We should start the freeze when new features are complete. AFAIK,
> > some work on Xuggler integration was in progress. When we would be
> > ready to start the freeze?
> > 2. Then we (me, or Rodion) should prepare a build for testing and
> > continue shipping new release candidates until all critical errors are
> > fixed. I hope Evgeny can propagate release candidates to our
> > testing server, so anyone can participate in testing.
> > Meanwhile, all of us should try to fix these critical bugs, or find
> > workarounds for them.
> > 3. Finally we should advertise the last successful release in blogs
> > and forums, ship vmware image, etc. This is completely optional. :-)
> > What do you think?
> > On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 12:34 PM, Vladimir Rybintsev<rybint...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> > > The problems in uploading pdf and ppt files remains
> > > even in latest revision, 2176.
> > > I did compile, install and run this version and tried to upload
> > > on white board very little pdf file.
> > > I got "converting..." message, remained forever.
> > > I could only cancel upload after hours of useless waiting.
> > > On 18 июл, 00:26, "CTpaHHoe :)" <ctpah...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >> This issue is fixed in the revision 2052, but only partially. In the
> > >> revision 2115 problem fixed complete. Therefore, it is possible to try
> > >> the revision 2052
> > --
> > With best regards / с наилучшими пожеланиями,
> > Alexei Fedotov / Алексей Федотов,
> >http://www.telecom-express.ru/
> >http://harmony.apache.org/
> >http://code.google.com/p/openmeetings/
> --
> Sebastian 
> Wagnerhttp://www.webbase-design.dehttp://openmeetings.googlecode.comhttp://www.laszlo-forum.de
> seba.wag...@gmail.com- Zitierten Text ausblenden -
> - Zitierten Text anzeigen -
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