
the internal OM User gets created based on the data retrieved via LDAP
Lookup (in case of succesful login).

please show us more of the logfile to identify a possible reason for
the nullpointer....

Dependent on the LdapServer u r using, the Fieldnames for the userdata
detail search have to differ. Within Code, the following LdapFields
are mapped :

public static final String LDAP_KEY_LASTNAME = "sn";
        public static final String LDAP_KEY_FIRSTNAME = "givenName";
        public static final String LDAP_KEY_MAIL = "mail";
        public static final String LDAP_KEY_STREET = "streetAddress";
        public static final String LDAP_KEY_ADDITIONAL_NAME = "description";
        public static final String LDAP_KEY_FAX =
        public static final String LDAP_KEY_ZIP = "postalCode";
        public static final String LDAP_KEY_COUNTRY = "co";
        public static final String LDAP_KEY_TOWN = "l";
        public static final String LDAP_KEY_PHONE = "telephoneNumber";

these values work fine for Active Directory e.g. - but for openLdap
the Detail Field names can differ

-> so it could be possible, that u dont retrieve certaiin values
needed to create a local user.
-> the function createUserFromLdapData checks most of missing values
and replaces it by default values, but it still could be possible,
that an error occurs.
-> if u want to debug that, u could sysout the userdata within that
function and check, if some values are emtpy and if they are requiered
for creating a user object (nullable column?)

see ya


see ya

On 8 Jan., 13:41, maillist sev <maillist....@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hello there,
> today I've successfully configured the LDAP for openmeetings. The
> first two or three users where successfully created in openmeetings.
> But after that (or with a new browser-session on another PC) no new
> user was created.
> When a user want to log in, everything works fine --> means:
> Openmeetings checks if he entered the corrected Login-Information
> But after that, no User is created and the following error is shown in
> the log...:
>  [NioProcessor-4] ERROR o.o.app.data.user.Usermanagement - Error on
> Working Userdata : null
> I've looked in the code, and this means, the user can't be created.
> But why?
> Thanks for your help.
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