
  But the hibernate configuration needs to be what you setup. Also,
out of the box openmeetings is setup for mysql.

   I think there is a postgresql hibernate config as an example. Open
that and add your postgres user and password.

   I would fill in the host,port and the openmeetings database. Most
is already in the example.

On Mar 17, 12:50 pm, scott31864 <> wrote:
> Here is the error during the openmeetings install. It is the same when
> red5 starts up.
> 9) [tomcat-coyote-6.0.24.jar:na]
>         at Source) [na:1.6.0_20-ea]
> Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: password
> authentication fai
> led for user "root"
> Thanks
> On Mar 17, 1:46 pm, scott31864 <> wrote:
> > yes the database server runs on the same box as red5/openmeetings.
> > I can access the database from phpadmin.
> > I changed the hibernate file to use root with a passwor of root. No
> > change now it just says that root can't authenicate instead of
> > openmeetings. Phpadmin is connecting to the server because after I
> > changed the password for root from no password to root I had to edit
> > the phpadmin config.ini with the new password before I could connect
> > to the database.
> > here is my hiberate file:
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
> >   <!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration (View Source for full
> > doctype...)>
> > - <!--  Generated file - Do not edit!
> >   -->
> > - <hibernate-configuration>
> > - <!--  a SessionFactory instance listed as /jndi/name
> >   -->
> > - <session-factory name="">
> > - <!--  User  / Password
> >   -->
> >   <property name="connection.username">root</property>
> >   <property name="connection.password">root</property>
> > - <!--  Database Settings
> >   -->
> >   <property name="connection.driver_class">org.postgresql.Driver</
> > property>
> >   <property name="dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect</
> > property>
> >   <property name="connection.url">jdbc:postgresql://localhost/
> > openmeetings</property>
> >   <property name="hibernate.connection.CharSet">utf8</property>
> >   <property name="hibernate.connection.characterEncoding">utf8</
> > property>
> >   <property name="hibernate.connection.useUnicode">true</property>
> > - <!--  Database Scheme Auto Update
> >   -->
> >   <property name="">update</property>
> > - <!--  properties
> >   -->
> >   <property name="show_sql">false</property>
> >   <property name="use_outer_join">false</property>
> >   <property
> > name="hibernate.query.factory_class">org.hibernate.hql.ast.ASTQueryTranslat­orFactory</
> > property>
> >   <property
> > name="connection.provider_class">org.hibernate.connection.C3P0ConnectionPro­vider</
> > property>
> >   <property
> > name="cache.provider_class">org.hibernate.cache.NoCacheProvider</
> > property>
> >   <property name="cache.use_query_cache">false</property>
> >   <property name="cache.use_second_level_cache">false</property>
> >   <property name="generate_statistics">false</property>
> >   <property name="cache.use_structured_entries">false</property>
> >   <property name="c3p0.max_size">20</property>
> >   <property name="c3p0.min_size">2</property>
> >   <property name="c3p0.max_statements">100</property>
> >   <property name="c3p0.timeout">3600</property>
> > - <!--  mapping files
> >   -->
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/adresses/
> > Adresses.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/adresses/
> > States.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/basic/
> > Configuration.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/basic/
> > ErrorType.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/basic/
> > ErrorValues.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/basic/
> > Naviglobal.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/basic/
> > Navimain.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/basic/
> > Navisub.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/basic/
> > SOAPLogin.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/basic/
> > Sessiondata.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/calendar/
> > Appointment.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/calendar/
> > AppointmentCategory.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/calendar/
> > AppointmentReminderTyps.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/calendar/
> > MeetingMember.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/domain/
> > Organisation.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/domain/
> > Organisation_Users.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/flvrecord/
> > FlvRecording.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/flvrecord/
> > FlvRecordingLog.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/flvrecord/
> > FlvRecordingMetaData.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/flvrecord/
> > FlvRecordingMetaDelta.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/invitation/
> > Invitations.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/lang/
> > FieldLanguage.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/lang/
> > Fieldlanguagesvalues.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/lang/
> > Fieldvalues.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/logs/
> > ConferenceLog.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/logs/
> > ConferenceLogType.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/recording/
> > ChatvaluesEvent.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/recording/
> > Recording.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/recording/
> > RecordingClient.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/recording/
> > RecordingConversionJob.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/recording/
> > RoomClient.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/recording/
> > RoomRecording.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/recording/
> > RoomStream.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/recording/
> > WhiteBoardEvent.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/rooms/
> > RoomModerators.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/rooms/
> > RoomTypes.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/rooms/
> > Rooms.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/rooms/
> > Rooms_Organisation.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/user/
> > Salutations.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/user/
> > UserSipData.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/user/
> > Userdata.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/user/
> > Usergroups.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/user/
> > Userlevel.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/user/
> > Users.hbm.xml" />
> >   <mapping resource="org/openmeetings/app/hibernate/beans/user/
> > Users_Usergroups.hbm.xml" />
> >   </session-factory>
> >   </hibernate-configuration>
> > Thanks
> > On Mar 17, 12:24 pm, smoeker <> wrote:
> > > hola,
> > > does your postgres server run on the same server as red5 does?
> > > postgres usually has to be configured to be available from other hosts
> > > - as far as i remember...
> > > -> if you can reach the database using another SQLTool with same
> > > credentials, post your hibernate.cfg.xml
> > > see ya
> > > Smoeker
> > > On 17 Mrz., 17:06, scott31864 <> wrote:
> > > > I can't get the above mention error to go away and as expected I can
> > > > not get the database built. I am using postgres sql. Through phpadmin
> > > > I created the openmeetings database utf8 general. I later added a user
> > > > "openmeetings" and password of "openmeetings" with full rights but I
> > > > continue to get the failed authenication message when starting red5
> > > > and during the openmeetings install. This is the same username and
> > > > password contained in the hibernate confg file. My postgresql username
> > > > is postgres (default) and password is openmeetings if that has any
> > > > bearing. Can anyone tell me what I might be doing wrong?
> > > > Thank You- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -

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