hola markus,

- there is a developer list in the wiki.
- if you already have contact to seba, u r in the best hands
concerning any OM topic ;-)

Seba has already added the valid idea of using multiple configurations
for either mutliple LDAP - Server or multiple configurations  for the
same LDAP Server...

to keep it simple, one could save 0-N ldap configs with a certain
prefix/suffix into config folder of om - for every valid file the
combo on login could show a entry and use this configuration.
if no ldap config is available , the current standard logic could take
place.... (no ldap login - auth against local database)..

concering your "-13" error, this is still kind of a mistery, because
the only place in sourcecode, i found where -13 is used as return
value is the error concering login length...

if you are confident with eclipse debugger, i would recommend to debug
through the login process and keep  an eye on exceptions/errors that
arent thrown back to GUI or even a process, changing the login

see ya


On 10 Jun., 11:47, Markus <sfree...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> In Fact, my Testuser already HAS 6 chars... so I don't think this is
> the Problem... I am also using the nightly Build from June 1st. I
> think it is also a strange chance, that only the users of the Asian
> and American Domain have these problems. The Europeans work...
> I talked to an Active Directoy Specialist about this Problem and he
> told me, I would have to ask the Global Cataloge of the AD to get the
> information for all the subdomains. I did this by changing the LDAP
> Port to 3268. The Europeans still worked but it did not change
> anything for the Americans and Asians... :-(
> Any Other Idea?
> here my om_ldap.cfg again:
> #specify the LDAP Server type
> ldap_server_type=AD
> #ldap_conn_url=ldap://rootserver.example.org:389
> ldap_conn_url=ldap://rootserver.example.org:3268
> #Login distinguished name (DN) for Authentification on LDAP Server -
> keep emtpy if not requiered
> ldap_admin_dn=CN:Administrator,CN:Users,DC:example,DC:org
> #ldap_passwd=root12
> ldap_passwd=geheim
> #base to search for userdata(of user, that wants to login
> ldap_search_base=DC:example,DC:org
> # Fieldnames (can differ between Ldap servers)
> ### z.B.:  testus...@eu.example.org
> #field_user_principal=sAMAccountName
> field_user_principal=userPrincipalName
> # Ldap auth type(SIMPLE,NONE)
> ldap_auth_type=SIMPLE
> ldap_sync_password_to_om=yes
> # Ldap user attributes mapping
> # Set the following internal OM user attributes to their corresponding
> Ldap-attribute
> ldap_user_attr_lastname=sn
> ldap_user_attr_firstname=givenName
> ldap_user_attr_mail=mail
> ldap_user_attr_street=streetAddress
> ldap_user_attr_additionalname=description
> ldap_user_attr_fax=facsimileTelephoneNumber
> ldap_user_attr_zip=postalCode
> ldap_user_attr_country=co
> ldap_user_attr_town=l
> ldap_user_attr_phone=telephoneNumber
> Coming Back to the idea of hiring a developer:
> Our Customer would hire one. But then he wants something like this:
> As Username, you use you sAMAccount Name. Then you have a Box, where
> you choose, wether you are in the European, American or Asian Domain.
> Just like it is in the Windows Login, where you can choose to which
> Domain you want to Login (or local).
> Is it Possible to do this? And who will I have to contact? Like I
> already said: My Colleague and me met Mr. Wagner last week and asked
> him about a specific change in Openmeetings. This is the same
> customer, so I guess it could be a good win-win situation if you would
> be able to build an specialist Openmeetings.
> Regards,
> Markus
> On 9 Jun., 10:18, smoeker <o.beche...@medint.de> wrote:
> > hi seba,
> > thnx for the feedback - i just scanned an elder revision for the
> > errorcode -13
> > @markus : can you verify, if this limitation could be a reason for
> > your problem?
> > see ya
> > Smoeker
> > On 9 Jun., 10:10, Sebastian Wagner <seba.wag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > HI,
> > > I think I already reduced the restriction from 6 chars to 4 chars again.
> > > Some external authentifications require 6 chars minimum, while I think
> > > 4 chars would be even enough.
> > > Sebastian
> > > 2010/6/9 smoeker <o.beche...@medint.de>:
> > > > hola,
> > > > regarding your logfile, the error doesnt seem to happen on
> > > > authentication itself, but on retrieving userdetail data from LDAP
> > > > Server after succesful login and creating user locally...
> > > > -> seems, as if user isnt created properly local (-> userid == -13,
> > > > thats quite unusual ;-))
> > > > i checked Souorcecode and it seems, as if return code = -13 says, that
> > > > the loginname is too short - plz check Usermgmt.java line 997
> > > > -> obviously an error is thrown if login name is shorter than 6 signs
> > > > -> following up, this error isnt catched by the Login logic, so the
> > > > user doenst receive a proper message...
> > > > hope that helps you - could you verify, if this offshore analysis
> > > > could be right?
> > > > In case , its right, there are several ways for you to get rid of your
> > > > problem :
> > > > a) Fix the problem by yourself changing sourcecode
> > > > b) enter a issue in the issue list, so the problem can be solved
> > > > within community process
> > > > c) hire a developer to fix the problem for you
> > > > see ya
> > > > Smoeker
> > > > On 8 Jun., 12:54, Markus <sfree...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > > >> Of Course - No Problem.
> > > >> Here the Log from the Login of a User, which did not work:
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:54.916 LdapLoginManagement.java 84606592 159
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.ldap.LdapLoginManagement [NioProcessor-1] -
> > > >> LdapLoginmanagement.isLda
> > > >> pConfigured
> > > >>  WARN 06-08 12:22:54.922 MainService.java 84606598 257
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.remote.MainService [NioProcessor-1] - loginUser
> > > >> 111: fe3fa12b0047242cac865652
> > > >> 0ae185f2 apt...@ap.p-f.biz
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:54.923 Usermanagement.java 84606599 1468
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.data.user.Usermanagement [NioProcessor-1] -
> > > >> Usermanagement.getUserByLogin
> > > >> OrEmail : apt...@ap.p-f.biz
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:54.929 MainService.java 84606605 283
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.remote.MainService [NioProcessor-1] - Ldap Login
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:54.929 LdapLoginManagement.java 84606605 232
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.ldap.LdapLoginManagement [NioProcessor-1] -
> > > >> LdapLoginmanagement.doLda
> > > >> pLogin
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:54.929 LdapLoginManagement.java 84606605 185
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.ldap.LdapLoginManagement [NioProcessor-1] -
> > > >> LdapLoginmanagement.getLd
> > > >> apConfigData
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:54.934 LdapLoginManagement.java 84606610 208
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.ldap.LdapLoginManagement [NioProcessor-1] -
> > > >> LdapLoginmanagement.readC
> > > >> onfig : /opt/openmeetings/webapps/openmeetings/conf/om_ldap.cfg
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:54.934 LdapLoginManagement.java 84606610 106
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.ldap.LdapLoginManagement [NioProcessor-1] -
> > > >> isValidAuthType
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:54.935 LdapLoginManagement.java 84606611 350
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.ldap.LdapLoginManagement [NioProcessor-1] -
> > > >> Searching userdata with L
> > > >> DAP Search Filter :(userprincipalname=apt...@ap.p-f.biz)
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:54.935 LdapAuthBase.java 84606611 66
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.ldap.LdapAuthBase [NioProcessor-1] - LdapAuthBase
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:54.935 LdapLoginManagement.java 84606611 358
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.ldap.LdapLoginManagement [NioProcessor-1] -
> > > >> authenticating admin...
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:54.935 LdapAuthBase.java 84606611 83
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.ldap.LdapAuthBase [NioProcessor-1] -
> > > >> authenticateUser
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:54.936 LdapAuthBase.java 84606612 99
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.ldap.LdapAuthBase [NioProcessor-1] -
> > > >> Authentification to LDAP - Server start
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:54.936 LdapAuthBase.java 84606612 131
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.ldap.LdapAuthBase [NioProcessor-1] -
> > > >> loginToLdapServer
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:54.956 LdapLoginManagement.java 84606632 362
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.ldap.LdapLoginManagement [NioProcessor-1] -
> > > >> Checking server type...
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:54.957 LdapAuthBase.java 84606633 83
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.ldap.LdapAuthBase [NioProcessor-1] -
> > > >> authenticateUser
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:54.957 LdapAuthBase.java 84606633 99
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.ldap.LdapAuthBase [NioProcessor-1] -
> > > >> Authentification to LDAP - Server start
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:54.957 LdapAuthBase.java 84606633 131
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.ldap.LdapAuthBase [NioProcessor-1] -
> > > >> loginToLdapServer
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:54.968 Usermanagement.java 84606644 1442
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.data.user.Usermanagement [NioProcessor-1] -
> > > >> Usermanagement.getUserByLogin
> > > >>  : apt...@ap.p-f.biz
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:54.980 LdapLoginManagement.java 84606656 405
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.ldap.LdapLoginManagement [NioProcessor-1] - user
> > > >> doesnt exist local -> create new
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:54.980 LdapAuthBase.java 84606656 154
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.ldap.LdapAuthBase [NioProcessor-1] - getData
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:54.982 LdapLoginManagement.java 84606658 456
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.ldap.LdapLoginManagement [NioProcessor-1] -
> > > >> Synching Ldap user to OM
> > > >> DB with password
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:54.982 LdapLoginManagement.java 84606658 546
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.ldap.LdapLoginManagement [NioProcessor-1] -
> > > >> LdapLoginmanagement.creat
> > > >> eUserFromLdapData
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:54.982 LdapLoginManagement.java 84606658 546
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.ldap.LdapLoginManagement [NioProcessor-1] -
> > > >> LdapLoginmanagement.creat
> > > >> eUserFromLdapData
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:54.989 LdapLoginManagement.java 84606665 667
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.ldap.LdapLoginManagement [NioProcessor-1] - User
> > > >> Created!
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:54.994 LdapLoginManagement.java 84606670 671
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.ldap.LdapLoginManagement [NioProcessor-1] -
> > > >> Adding user '-13' to organization '1'
> > > >> ERROR 06-08 12:22:54.995 Organisationmanagement.java 84606671 486
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.data.user.Organisationmanagement [NioProcessor-1]
> > > >> - getOrganisation_UserByUserAndOrganisation -13  1
> > > >> ERROR 06-08 12:22:55.001 Organisationmanagement.java 84606677 499
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.data.user.Organisationmanagement [NioProcessor-1]
> > > >> - getOrganisation_UserByUserAndOrganisation: 1
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:55.002 LdapLoginManagement.java 84606678 459
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.ldap.LdapLoginManagement [NioProcessor-1] - New
> > > >> User ID : -13
> > > >> DEBUG 06-08 12:22:55.002 Sessionmanagement.java 84606678 233
> > > >> org.openmeetings.app.data.basic.Sessionmanagement [NioProcessor-1] -
> ...
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