W dniu 26.11.2010 12:49, Dominique Claver KOUAME pisze:
I have differents problems to solve without openmeetings. I will post
them below :
1° - Can somebody help me configure openmeetings for direct access
without keying the port number.
Something like this http://conference.mydomain.tld.
I think this will be very easy for the users than keying
Hi Dominique.

If you want to avoid forcing users to write port number in OM URL, you could use Apache's ModRewrite.
Just run Apache on port 80,
enable ModRewrite,
and add to, virtual host definition something like this:

RewriteEngine   on
RewriteCond     %{SERVER_PORT} ^80$
RewriteCond     %{REMOTE_ADDR} !^$
RewriteRule     ^/(.*)$ http://conference.mydomain.tld:5080/$1 [L,R]

You can do the same trick if you have OM installed under eaven more ugly URL, for example http://conference.mydomain.tld:5080/openmeetings/ Just put it into rewrite rule, and the users will be automagically redirected from http://conference.mydomain.tld to http://conference.mydomain.tld:5080/openmeetings/


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