I believe something (swf, images) might be cached in the browser :)

You can take 3.0 here:
Upgrade instractions are here: http://openmeetings.apache.org/Upgrade.html

you need to
1) backup you DB (via admin)
2) drop then create DB
3) deploy 3.0
4) restore DB

If you have no significant info you might
drop DB then install (or install into separate DB to be able to run both

On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 2:08 AM, Sam Hagen <hagen....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Solomax to the rescue again?  Wow, thanks man.
> I am using 2.X (didn't even know I could get 3.X; I assume it's in Alpha
> or something?"  Anyway, I was attempting to modify the images under the
> theme folder but for some reason was unable to see the modifications... but
> today when I booted my computer again, any modifications I was making
> seemed to show up as I'd figured they would....  (This sounds more like a
> 1D10T error on my end than a technical issue in the software.)  That has
> pretty much solved my original question.
> However, if I wanted to play with 3.0 (I assume it's not quite ready for
> prime-time but that's ok) how would I first uninstall 2.X?  Is it simply a
> matter of getting rid of the database or is there more to it than that?
> (Also if this is is documented somewhere, feel free to give me the link and
> tell me to RTFM.)
> Thanks so much,
> Sam
> On Monday, September 30, 2013 4:31:25 AM UTC-4, solomax wrote:
>> Hello Sam,
>> What version are you trying to style?
>> if it is 2.X the only thing you can change is theme.xml and images under
>> theme folder.
>> All other pictures used are integrated into swf file being played and you
>> need to recompile everything before your changes will be visible
>> if it is 3.0 then you can change css file (with your fonts/images etc.)
>> for calendar/dashboard/admin
>> use 2.X method for the room (will be changed with 3.1)
>> On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 2:55 PM, Sam Hagen <hage...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Howdy,
>>> I've been screwing around with styling the user interface.  I've figured
>>> out how to edit some of the colors by editing the default theme's XML file,
>>> but I can't figue out how to edit the acual icon images so that my changes
>>> are reflected in the interface.  I've hunted around a bit and have found
>>> mention of the capacity for openmeetings to use user-designed themes but
>>> haven't found any documentation on this.  Might I be missing something?  if
>>> it's possible but not yet documented, I'd be happy to write up some kind of
>>> amateur documentation/tutorial on what I figure out, if someone could push
>>> me in the right direction on these matters of styling.
>>> Best,
>>> Sam
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax

Maxim aka solomax

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