Mostly the problem with release builds is that there is no one who tests them on Mac. So the release builds on Mac are often broken and fixed later on . Hopefully we get a new release soon. It has been planned for quite some time. Maybe I should have tagged one of the beta versions so we could have had one binary release available on all platforms :(

1.8.1 was r11645
1.9.0 was r17628; but there was no OSX build server at this time (my Mac Mini at home died and we did not have one at PELAB yet). So there is no build at this exact version (and I think it did not compile properly anyway)...

In general, if the OSX build works for one revision, so will Windows and Linux.

Martin Sjölund

On 08/21/2014 05:50 PM, Bill Janssen wrote:
I'm working with a group that's spread across several different
locations, and we're using all the major OS platforms.  We'd like to
standardize on a particular Subversion version of OpenModelica.  Is
there some reasonably stable version that's available for all three
platforms?  Perhaps a release build?  I see there's a Mavericks binary
for r18453, but that doesn't seem to correspond to any of the release

By the way, Martin -- thanks for the Mavericks builds.  They've been
very useful.


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