Dear OpenModelica interested,

The OpenModelica 1.9.3 release becomes available later today, September 7, 2015.<>

Please try it and give feedback!

Also, further below, Call for Presentations for OpenModelica and MODPROD 
workshops 2016.

OpenModelica Release 1.9.3, September 7, 2015

The most important enhancements in the OpenModelica 1.9.3 release:

·       Enhanced collaborative development and testing of OpenModelica by 
moving to the GIT-hub framework for versioning and parallel development.

·       More accessible and up-to-date automatically generated documentation 
provided in both html and .pdf

·       Further improved simulation speed and coverage of several libraries.

·       OMEdit graphic connection editor improvements.

·       OMNotebook improvements.

OpenModelica Compiler (OMC)

This release mainly includes improvements of the OpenModelica Compiler (OMC), 
including, but not restricted to the following:

·       Further improved simulation speed and coverage for several libraries.

·       Faster generated code for functions involving arrays, factor 2 speedup 
for many power generation models.

·       Better initialization.

·       An implicit inline Euler solver available.

·       Code generation to enable vectorization of for-loops.

·       Improved non-linear, linear and mixed system solving.

·       Cross-compilation for the ARMhf architecture.

·       A prototype state machine implementation.

·       Improved performance and stability of the C++ runtime option.

·       More accessible and up-to-date automatically generated documentation 
provided in both html and .pdf.

OpenModelica Notebook (OMNotebook)

Several improvements:

·       Support for moving cells from one place to another in a notebook.

·       A button for evaluation of whole notebooks.

·       A new cell type called Latex cells, supporting Latex formatted input 
that provides mathematical typesetting of formulae when evaluated.

OpenModelica Shell (OMShell)

No changes.

OpenModelica Eclipse Plug-in (MDT)

No changes apart from bug fixing.

OpenModelica Development Environment (OMDev)

A big change: version handling and parallel development has been improved by 
moving from SVN to GIThub. This makes it easier for each developer to test 
his/her fixes and enhancements before committing the code. Automatic mirroring 
of all code is still performed to the OpenModelica SVN site.

Graphic Editor OMEdit

There are several improvements to the OpenModelica graphic connection editor 

·       Support for uses annotations.

·       Support for declaring components as vectors.

·       Faster messages browser with clickable error messages.

·       Support for managing the stacking order of graphical shapes.

·       Several improvements to the plot tool and text editor in OMEdit.


Several improvements of the Dynamic Optimization module with collocation, using 

·       Better performance due to smart treatment of algebraic loops for 

·       Improved formulation of optimization problems with an annotation 
approach which also allows graphical problem formulation.

·       It is now possible to formulate final constraints, e.g., minimizing the 
end time of a process.

FMI Support

Further improved FMI 2.0 co-simulation support.

Call for Presentations OpenModelica/MODPROD Workshops Feb. 2016

Location: Linköping University, Sweden

·       10th MODPROD Workshop on Model-Based Product Development, Feb 2-3, 2016

·       8th OpenModelica Annual Workshop, Feb 1, 2016

Theme for this year: Open Source and Open Source Business Models

Half-day tutorials are given on several topics, e.g. including: Introduction to 
Modelica and OpenModelica, FMI and co-simulation, Dynamic optimization, etc.

The workshops are concerned with, but not limited to, the following themes:

MODPROD workshop

Cyber-physical system modeling. Integrated hardware-software modeling. Hardware 
modeling. Software modeling. Co-modeling, Co-simulation, FMI Multi-body 
systems. Multi-domain/Multi-physics, e.g. electrical-hydraulic. 
Modelica-UML-SysML. Modeling and simulation tools. CAD modeling. Design 
optimization and analysis. Hardware in the loop simulation. Real-time and 
embedded system modeling. Electrical/hydraulics modeling.

OpenModelica Annual Workshop

Applications of OpenModelica. Modelica Libraries with OpenModelica. Industrial 
Use Cases. OpenModelica in Teaching. FMI and interoperability. OpenModelica 
tool developments. Solver issues in OpenModelica. Meta modeling and 
hardware/software modeling. Code generation in Openmodelica. Parallel 
compilation and execution. Model-based optimization.


Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit draft presentations, small 
or large abstracts, or full paper drafts for consideration by the organizing 
committee. Publication at this event does not prevent future publication at 
scientific conferences. The submission can be new or recently published work. 
The submission should be a .pdf file to be uploaded via Easychair 
(<>) to OpenModelica 2016 or MODPROD 

Important Dates

Submission deadline: November 15, 2014

Acceptance notification: November 20, 2014

For more information, soon to be available, see<> and<>.


Thanks to all who are contributing to the OpenModelica work!

Best regards,

Peter Fritzson and Adrian Pop

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