Am Do  10. Juli 2008 schrieb Timo Drick:
> Hi,
> i have news from the accelerometer problem.
> If i shutdown the Xserver both accelerometers work. I figure that out 
> accidentally because an application i am developing crashed and kill the 
> Xserver.
> The problem with the accelerometers is completely reproducible:
> after reboot only one of the both commands work:
>  > hexdump /dev/input/event2 or > hexdump /dev/input/event3
>  > /etc/init.d/xserver-nodm stop
> after X-Server shutdown both commands work:
>  > hexdump /dev/input/event2 and > hexdump /dev/input/event3
> If i start up the xserver again same problem appears just described above.
> regards Timo

Great finding! :-)
I guess X is grabbing one of the G-meters for input device then :-/


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