El Thursday, 10 de July de 2008 11:39:36 Paul-Valentin Borza va escriure:
> Can anyone tell me how can I intercept the AUX button (i.e. detect when the
> AUX is pressed and when it's not)?
> I need a button in order to train the classifiers on the Neo; for the Wii
> I've used the A button.
> The models don't need pushing any buttons when they're being trained,
> because motion is detected with the classifiers.

I would use a button on touch screen.

I don't have a FR but in 1973 

AUX on 2007.2 its reported by a system d-bus signal (neod?) 

signal sender=:1.0 -> dest=(null destination) 
interface=org.freedesktop.Hal.Device; member=Condition
   string "ButtonPressed"
   string "phone"

/dev/input/event0 gets data when aux is pressed.

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