Hi, I'm trying to get back into OM after seeing FSO and getting excited about it again. FSO milestone 1 is running great here on a gta01, and for the first time I am able to make and receive phone calls and the phone runs for hours without the battery going dead.

So as a first step I would like to rebuild FSO milestone 1 and then start tweaking it, adding back in the missing support for the SD card and NFS client. But I'm finding the docs to be mixed up still, at a very basic level.

1. MokoMakefile comes with:


   but the instructions at the following wiki page:


   say to change that to:


   Where is the actual source code for FSO being kept these days, OM or OE?

2. When running "make setup" for a fresh environment, I see that it does a lot of SVN checkouts of OM-2007.2 before getting to the stage of selecting ASU, FSO or GTK. Is it really necessary to pull down stuff that may not be used?

3. On Micky's blog, Mickey says that Rod has added "framework-image" as a target to get an FSO build, but there is no such target. There is an "fso" target though.

Thanks for any help,


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