#2309: hangs during resume after printing GSTATUS4 --------------------+------------------------------------------------------- Reporter: lindi | Owner: openmoko-kernel Type: defect | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: Component: kernel | Version: Severity: normal | Keywords: resume suspend kernel Haspatch: 0 | Blockedby: Estimated: | Patchreview: Blocking: | Reproducible: rarely --------------------+-------------------------------------------------------
Comment(by lindi): Just for the record I hit this again on 2010-04-15. The previous occurences have been on {{{ 2009-08-27 2009-10-25 2009-12-18 2010-02-15 2010-04-15 }}} Is it just pure luck or does this only happen on even months? ;-) The differences between the dates in seconds are {{{ $ cat a|while read f; do date +%s -d "$f"; done|perl -e 'my $a = <>; while(<>) {$b=$_;printf("%d\n", $b-$a); $a=$b;}' 5097600 4669200 5097600 5094000 }}} -- Ticket URL: <https://docs.openmoko.org/trac/ticket/2309#comment:6> docs.openmoko.org <http://docs.openmoko.org/trac/> openmoko trac