Hi all,

With Øyvind's most recent post, we know the roles and goals of one
"Vendor" that stands to profit from the OpenOCD ecosystem.  What of the
other JTAG device vendors?  I hope his post inspires other OpenOCD
Vendors to list their own intended roles and goals in the community.  To
be clear, I mean any individual or business that bundles OpenOCD with
their own JTAG hardware with the intent to make more money than cost.

The OpenOCD project should maintain a large degree of vendor neutrality.
Clearly, this has been achieved to a large extent in the code, but I
want to be proactive in inviting all JTAG hardware vendors to chime in
to ensure they have been given the chance to be represented in the
community process as well.  The recent "in_handler Incident" included
accusations of vendor bias, so this step seeks to prevent such from
being leveled again in the future.

I would hope that all will be willing to assist the progress of this
community as it grows and blossoms.  Naturally, there is no obligation
for any vendor to participate at all; if they do, I think it is vitally
important for these individuals to face equal community standards, and
that may not be possible for many of them.

Specifically, Vendor Support can be a valuable resource.  Consequently,
I realize that some vendors may choose not to respond to this request in
a public manner, due to this very context and the possible implications
that it brings.  If that describes you, can you send me a message
privately?  I will keep your information strictly confidential.  While I
would like to be able to share the fact that we have a friend in your
business, even that can be kept secret if that would prevent the sharing
of support resources with active OpenOCD developers.

Aside from Zylin AS and Amontec, I do not know how many vendors actually
read the mailing list, but I am now intensely curious.  If this request
goes unanswered, I may begin to contact our Vendors directly to see if
any mutual benefits may be established.  

In the meantime, will the various interface manufacturers step up and
make their presence known to the community, if only to acknowledge
(indirectly, if necessary) that you do in fact have a presence here? :)


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