On Monday 18 May 2009, Dean Glazeski wrote:
> Do you mean the target_type_s and target_s structures?  I think there may be
> some others too like the arm7_9_common_s struct.  I'm commenting up the
> arm7_9_common_s struct as I go too.

Yes, those interfaces.  Once those get properly documented,
their *implementations* can just be presumed to conform, and
shouldn't really need additional documentation.

However, that doesn't mean eyeballing the implementations would
not be good.  It's a lot of work if you don't know the details
of JTAG on those chips ... but code audits tend to uncover things
that deserve fixing, like code that doesn't actually meet the
interface spec.  Or interface specs that don't actually do what
they need to be doing.

- Dave

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