Xiaofan Chen a écrit :
> At that time, NEC documentation is quite bad. Their emulator was
> very expensive. NEC chips seemed to be ok then. Luckily I
> chose Microchip and not Atmel AT90S AVR since Atmel obsoleted
> all the AT90S AVR over the years and the product needs to be
> in the market for 10-15 years at 100k-200k per year.
They have since moved to all flash and use JTAG debugging which they
call N-WIRE.

NEC's documentation is not easily available but once you are a customer
you get a lot more than most people get.
It is not as bad as TI which we had so sign non disclosure agreement
with. NEC doesn't really care, I think the problem is that most
of the good documentation is on the European site. I have suggested to
have that changed and make some links so that would
be transparent and was told that it was a good idea. There is no sense
to have data duplicated in different sites around the world
when each site can be accessed from anywhere in the world. The problems
though is that people here in the USA do not think
about looking at European or Asians sites and assume that documentation
of their devices is not available.
Most data that I have seem to have been translated in Germany. For a
while all I had was in Japanese and I was using a translator site.
When I complained to NEC they provided me with a link to a site in
Europe. Thev V850E devices that I am looking at using have been
out for a couple of years.


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