>> 1. Why a "wrapper" library which would be GPL-with-exception-for-ftd2xx
>> cannot be linked with OpenOCD? I don't see ANY phrase in GPL that says
>> that GPL can be linked only to 100%-GPL-stuff-without-exceptions.
>> Moreover - I see no sentence which says that "GPL-chain" has to be
>> infinite. Really - quote that for me, if the explanations are so simple.
>The general rule is that if the binaries run in the same process and/or 
>memory space it forms a "combined work", which must be licensed under the 
>GPL. As always, the GPL FAQ is a recommended read.
Congratulations, you have just declared ALL GPL software illegal to use in 
Why? Because in most systems, there will be many DLLs that are 3rd party 
that are injected into many processes, independently of the original executable
directly or indirectly requesting that DLL.
Try installing some application that installs a Shell handler (Alcohol 120%, 
Winrar, etc...)
and look up that process' address space with a debugger. You will see MANY dlls 
are not part of the system (be it install CD/DVD or Windows Update).
You can be sure that 99.99% of those .DLLs are NOT GPL compatible.
In other words, the definition of the GPL is so pants that it cannot be used 
properly by any platform.
Similar process injections can be easily done in Lunix without cheating.
How to takeover and sabotage a GPL project by Zach Welch:
1) Commit some useless patches to a project and get them accepted + committed.
2) Pretend to be the leader and voice of the community
3) Pretend to be THE project President & CEO
4) Insult everyone else
5) Claim to be all about freedom, yet deny the majority of users who want a 
USEFUL feature, because Zach didn't get laid in the last 5 years.
6) ???
7) Profit!
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