OK - be creative. End the flames, throw some ideas. Here goes another 
summary of REALISTIC and ACCEPTABLE options, if ftd2xx.dll will still be 
"censored" in the distributions.

1. Any kind of network protocol that would talk to "driver".

PRO - Possibilities to use JTAGs over internet to debug remotely, 
possibility to use closed-source drivers (for me that's a pro [; )

CONS - latency of the medium, need to run another program on one's PC, 
someone has to create the program and that has to be more complicated 
than the one from option 2.

2. Modular OpenOCD which would allow binary "drivers" to be used (just 
as the drivers are used in Linux kernel)

PRO - possibility to use closed-source drivers (same as above), no need 
for running additional software other than OpenOCD, no speed penalty of 
the medium

CONS - someone would have to create the "driver" (this would be much 
easier than in option 1)

3. Creating a libftdi replacement dll that would mimic libftdi API but 
use ftd2xx.dll (propsed by Magnus Lundin in a separate thread)

PRO - probably easiest of solutions, no speed penalty, no need for 
additional software

CONS - user has to KNOW about that to use the replacement, APIs of 
ftd2xx.dll and libftdi.dll are probably not 100% compatible (?)

(the PRO and CONS are not complete of course, just as there maybe more 

Personally I think that options 1 and 2 should be introduced anyway, 
because they are good (especially option 1 is very interesting!). For 
the short term solution I think option 3 would be quite OK, we can all 
agree to kill that once a better solutions exist.

I'm willing to help with any of those, but - as I'm not a hard-core PC 
programmer, that help would probably by minor compared to others.

Please - don't throw any suggestions like "I'll do it for $$$" here.

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