Here, I agree with Duane,

The end user want to debug/flash a device -> not a concept of multiple 

You may auto-generate the files one time at the MAKE of openocd.
Or you may have a separated script, generating this file one time and 
put these file to the trunk.

JTAGkey-2 : high-speed USB JTAG adapter / 30Mhz TCK / RTCK / support 
1.3V to 5V @ 32ma output drive per IOs / on-board 4 leds for an easy use.

> avid> Having a hundred or so chip-specific config files is
> david> a messy concept...
> Yes, but that is exactly what is needed.
> If there are 100 chips - you need 100 files, with 100 names.
> Take the "openocd-developer-hat" off for a little bit and think about this.
> Configure files are something *END*USERS* mess with.
> Yes, from our end (the developer end) 100 files is a P.I.T.A, but it is 
> exactly what the *end*user* needs, or they at least need the *SIMPLE* 
> means to add the +1 more file they need.
> As an *end*user* if I saw a sequence of filenames that I recognized I 
> could examine a few of them - see the simple pattern and settings and 
> could probably follow that simple pattern successfully. By simple I 
> mean: perform lots of "set VARNAME   VALUE" - then include/source a 
> common file.
> Most developers would understand and modify a simple TCL statement like 
> this with great success:
>     # This chip has 16K flash..
>     set   FLASH_SIZE   0x4000
> But instead, using Freddies' approach - one has to (or is lead to 
> believe they must) read through the "complicated internals" file which 
> is where lots of magic is happening - magic that is to the benefit of 
> the maintainer who understands the complexities of the chip family, and 
> the scripts, and perhaps knows a little bit of TCL.
> Wearing a "naive new users hat" - I would see the big internal file 
> Freddie has and assume that I should "weave" my new chip into that file, 
> and become very confused. That is *NOT* something I think we want users 
> to do.
> Bottom line:
> 1)   Freddies 'internal' file does too much, and does too much
>       magic about figuring things out.
>      It is ok for the 3 of us to understand...
>      Remember: Our goal is the *end*user*
> 2)  We don't need to create 100 files for 100 chips.. instead we
>       need to create a few of them - such that is very *CLEAR*
>      to a new user how to add 1 more.
> That's why we converted the configuration files into 3 "source" statements
>     (1) the interface
>     (2) the board
>     (3) which includes a chip...
> In the past, there was just one configuration file users where weaving 
> their changes into other files. By splitting them up - it made it easier 
> to understand.
> Freddie could create a simple textfile/database and generate 100 "chip 
> files" from a quasi-table of some sort... that only runs in "maintainer 
> mode".
> In contrast, if the *SCRIPT* would examine the chip some how - and read 
> registers and/or other things it *could* configure it self auto 
> magically. For example ATMEL at91 series parts have some registers in 
> the DEBUG UART at a fixed address...
> I just don't think this better solution is that easy to implement.
> -Duane.
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