Here's my current summary of *OPEN* issues with RC1.

If you raised an issue and it's not on this list then either
it's now resolved, or else I missed that and it's still an
open issue.  Please verify.

If you know about other issues, please post them!

- Dave

REGRESSIONS -- must be fixed before release:

 - GDB memory maps report sector sizes incorrectly.  This is
   actually a longstanding bug, which was previously masked
   by other now-fixed bugs.

 - ARM11 misbehavior ... JTAG reads fail with "SCREG OUT" errors

Possible REGRESSIONS -- fix before release, if verified

 - MIPS 4K issue with (non?) CFI flash detect on one board;
   and, presumably unrelated, byte order.  I'm not clear on
   status here, but this looked to be a regression...

Open BUGS -- not regressions, but fixes are desirable:

 - STM32 first-load errors.  (Seems to be a bug introduced in
   the 0.3 series; not a regression *since* the 0.3 release.)

 - STM32 error recovery on boot from empty flash.  (Unclear just
   when this bug arrived.  Pending verification from Zylin.)

 - NOR structural issue:  wrongly writing ones, instead of not
   writing anything.  Can corrupt some flashes; for example it
   would modify internal ECC codes.  Some flashes don't seem to
   care about this, but it violates all manufacturer guidelines.
   (Longstanding bug.)

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