Am 12/20/2010 02:32 PM, schrieb Kenan Özdemir:
> Hi,
> somehow my code is not working. Recently I tried to figure out, why
> there are these unexpected jumps in my programcode. After a look at
> the Disassembly, I found something strange..
> My first lines in main are these:
> int a = 1;
> int i  = 1;
> and the Disassembly says for these two lines:
> *int a = 1;*
> *0x00400106 <main()+6>: ldrb.w r4, [r1], #1*
> *0x0040010a <main()+10>: subs r0, r0, r4*
> *int i = 1;*
> *0x0040010c <main()+12>: beq.n 0x4000fa <frame_dummy+22>*
> *0x0040010e <main()+14>: pop {r4}*
> *0x00400110 <main()+16>: bx lr*
> why do I have this jump in int i = 1 ??
Probably because the compiler optimized the i=1 away completely, as the
value is never used. Optimization may also lead to small differences in
the mapping between source code line number and assembler code.

If you want line-accurate debugging, it may be necessary to turn off
compiler opzimization (-O0) completely.

BTW: "bx lr" looks like the code is returning from main() - which it
should never do in an embedded environment.


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