Am 06/07/2011 11:23 AM, schrieb Laurent Gauch:
> Hi Michael,
>> Am 06/06/2011 02:10 PM, schrieb Laurent Gauch:
>> >/   Yes, this is to decouple the open and init (open the handle, init
>> />/ the associated specific layout).
>> /
>> Is there case where open is used without init, or init without open?
> Actually no. But in the ft2232.c we could have the possibility to only
> re-init a device+layout without the need to close open the handle.
What is the use case for this? If this is not actually used, it just
adds unnecessary complexity.

> Sure this will be useful when the ft2232.c will provide the
> possibility to init for 'JTAG only' or init for 'SWD only' on a
> already opened handle of the device. No ?
Sure? No. Show a use case where this is really needed, *then* we can
discuss if this is the right approach or not. Adding unused code for
some future expansion that may never happen only adds cruft.

>> Otherwise, this is just unnecessarily complex.
>> >/ (more smaller function ... as good OO coding !)
>> />/
>> />/ The ft2232_init_sub(void) and ft2232_init() could be merged again
>> in a
>> />/ ft2232_open if needed
>> />/
>> />/ But yes, we have all different point of view regarding what is open
>> />/ what is init ...
>> />/
>> />/ The objective is to have something like :
>> />/
>> />/ open
>> />/   init
>> />/   deinit
>> />/ close
>> />/
>> />/ and not as the actual
>> />/ init
>> />/ quit
>> /
>> open/close instead of init/quit is OK with me, but what is the advantage
>> of the 4-function API instead of the old 2-function API?
> Now I understand . You are thinking we want to change the API of the
> interface. NO NO NO .
> We just want to decouple the open close handle and the init deinit
> device + layout INSIDE the ft2232.c.
> See the patch, we do not rename the quit() init(), we do not touch the
> API concept !
Then why is the change *needed* at all?

A simple deinit-on-exit should be possible with the current code with
only minor modifications.


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