Noob here, but seriously interested. Hopefully the questions aren't too painful.

I have OpenOCD working with an STM32Discovery board and I love it. I come from the AVR world where debugging is done with LEDs, so having a real debugger is heaven. It also neatly solves the problem of how to download code from a Linux development system. Thanks to all that have made openocd possible.

Now that I know about this great tool, I never want to be without it. However, I want to be able to use other ARM processors. Examples include the Nuvoton NUC120 and the STM32L15x series. The problem is that the flash programming for these other parts is not like any of the parts currently known to openocd. I'm willing to have a go at creating suitable flash drivers and I've looked at the code for some of the existing ones.

What I'd like to know is if there's any documentation on how to go about flash driver creation. I suspect there's been discussions in this forum, so please point me to them if you know where they are. It would also be great if you could tell me how to effectively search the forum. Do I have to go through month at a time, or will Google search the archive? I'm not familiar with how these lists work and how to go about searching them. Perhaps the usual approach (Google) is it and I'm expecting too much?

Thanks for any help.

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