On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 4:38 AM, Xiaofan Chen <xiaof...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 5:16 PM, Øyvind Harboe <oyvind.har...@zylin.com> 
> wrote:
>> I'll update the berlios and sourceforge to reflect the active
>> maintainers. We would of course be delighted if anyone
>> below decides to take a more active role again and re-enabling
>> them is quickly done.
>> Lately Spencer Oliver and I have been the de-facto maintainers
>> of OpenOCD.
>> These should be removed from Berlios as they are inactive:
>>       duane (Duane Ellis)
>>       vpalatin (Vincent Palatin)
>>       mlu (Magnus Lundin)
>>       drath (Dominic Rath)
>>       bodylove (Carsten Schlote)
>>       kc8apf (Rick Altherr)
>>       zwelch (Zach Welch)
>> These should be removed from sourceforge, no longer active:
>> duaneellis      duaneellis
>> mlusf   Magnus Lundin
>> npitre  Nicolas Pitre
>> zwelch  Zach Welch
> Looking at the list, this somehow reminds me of those heated
> discussions about GPL and D2XX.
> https://lists.berlios.de/pipermail/openocd-development/2009-June/thread.html
> Last one by Zach Welsh.
> http://lists.berlios.de/pipermail/openocd-development/2009-July/009518.html
> Both side of course have their points. Personally I am more with the opinion
> of adding the D2xx linking exception which Dominic, Rick, Spencer,
> Magnus Lundin and others agreed. On the other hand, Øyvind Harboe,
> Zach Welsh, David Brownell and others are more with the pure GPL side.
> In the end, it is not possible to relicense OpenOCD to add D2xx linking
> exception.

It is impossible to relicense OpenOCD as it would require all
copyright holders to agree to linking + exception, which they don't.

Øyvind Harboe

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