On 11/07/2011 9:08 PM, Hard Maker wrote:
Hi List,
I'm starting with OpenOCD and have a questions about wath hi level application can use with openOCD. Basically I need/want run aplications and know the var values. Using OpenOCD I can flash, view registry state, run, etc. But there are some aplication to do a trace more easy? I'm try with Code::Blocks and Insight using remote debuging with no luck. Someone use OpenOCD with hi level aplications to debug? Wath application ar using?
Thank's a lot


Hi Sergio,
The most common high level ide in use with openocd would have to be eclipse. It takes a fair bit of getting used to I found, what with it's settings all over the place, manual project configuration and workspace based project management, but once you've figured it out it works quite well. Just google openocd eclipse open-source toolchain and similar and you'll find heaps of different setup guides, or you might like to look at sdk4arm from amontec as a bit of a head start (I haven't tried it though).

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