On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 12:27 AM, Martin Schmölzer <
martin.schmoel...@student.tuwien.ac.at> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Tue, 2011-08-30 at 15:25 -0400, Eric Wetzel wrote:
> > I don't think I have a way to verify the changes I made to
> > src/flash/ocl/at91sam7x (from the second patch) or the changes I would
> > make to src/jtag/drivers/OpenULINK.
> I'm the author of the ULINK driver. From a first glance, I think it is
> possible to fully get rid of all the typedefs in this driver and
> firmware. Tomorrow I'll take a closer look at the changes and report
> back.
Just checked and the motivation for using shorter types (easier to stay
within 80 character maximum line length, from shorttypes.h) is unfounded.
Only one or two lines will grow beyond 80 chars because of the longer names,
and other lines are far longer anyway.

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