OpenPKG CVS Repository

  Server:                  Name:   Michael Schloh
  Root:   /e/openpkg/cvs                   Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Module: openpkg-src                      Date:   14-Sep-2004 13:41:49
  Branch: HEAD                             Handle: 2004091412414800

  Modified files:
    openpkg-src/gsoap       gsoap.spec

    alive again, update to current stable version 2.7, improve
    description, mark pkgconfig files, add a %track section, correct
    license and download URL, and remove seemingly unnecessary dependency
    to autoconf

    Revision    Changes     Path
    1.17        +21 -7      openpkg-src/gsoap/gsoap.spec

  patch -p0 <<'@@ .'
  Index: openpkg-src/gsoap/gsoap.spec
  $ cvs diff -u -r1.16 -r1.17 gsoap.spec
  --- openpkg-src/gsoap/gsoap.spec      7 Feb 2004 17:55:22 -0000       1.16
  +++ openpkg-src/gsoap/gsoap.spec      14 Sep 2004 11:41:48 -0000      1.17
  @@ -32,24 +32,35 @@
   Distribution: OpenPKG
   Class:        EVAL
   Group:        Network
  -License:      gSOAP 1.1
  -Version:      2.1.10
  -Release:      20040207
  +License:      gSOAP and GPL
  +Version:      2.7
  +Release:      20040914
   #   list of sources
   #   build information
   Prefix:       %{l_prefix}
   BuildRoot:    %{l_buildroot}
  -BuildPreReq:  OpenPKG, openpkg >= 20040130, make, gcc, flex, bison, autoconf
  +BuildPreReq:  OpenPKG, openpkg >= 20040130, make, gcc, flex, bison
   PreReq:       OpenPKG, openpkg >= 20040130
   AutoReq:      no
   AutoReqProv:  no
  -    The gSOAP toolkit provides a unique SOAP-to-C/C++ language binding for the
  -    development of SOAP Web Services and clients.
  +    Conforming to all SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 as well as the WSDL 1.1 standard,
  +    the gSOAP toolkit provides a unique SOAP to C/C++ language binding
  +    for the development of SOAP web services and clients. Relieving the
  +    user from the typical burden of WSDL and SOAP details, the gSOAP
  +    compiler generates efficient XML serializers for native and user
  +    defined C and C++ data types.
  +    prog easysoap = {
  +        version   = %{version}
  +        url       =
  +        regex     = gsoap-(__VER__)\.tar\.gz
  +    }
       %setup -q
  @@ -68,6 +79,9 @@
       %{l_make} %{l_mflags} install AM_MAKEFLAGS="DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"
       strip $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/bin/* >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
       %{l_rpmtool} files -v -ofiles -r$RPM_BUILD_ROOT %{l_files_std}
  +    %{l_rpmtool} files -v -ofiles -r$RPM_BUILD_ROOT \
  +        %{l_files_std} \
  +        '%not %dir %{l_prefix}/lib/pkgconfig'
   %files -f files
  @@ .
The OpenPKG Project                          
CVS Repository Commit List                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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