HEADS UP: Perl was fully re-packaged now in OpenPKG-CURRENT.
The individual changes to the "perl" and "perl-xxx" packages were:

- upgraded base from Perl 5.6.1 to new stable 5.8.0 version
- introduced perl-openpkg utility for use in perl-xxx packaging
- All(!) modules are now in site_perl to avoid conflicts with base versions
- use <prefix>/lib/perl instead of <prefix>/lib/perl5 to be consistent
- use "%setup0 -q -c" instead of redundant "%setup0 -q -c -n %{name}-%{version}"
- do not build and install man-pages because perldoc is enough
- fixed various small bugs in packaging

If you're upgrading to this new set of Perl packages, you first have
to upgrade the "perl" package. After this all you "perl-xxx" packages
will be dead (because staying under <prefix>/lib/perl5/5.6.1/), so
you immediately also have to upgrade all your "perl-xxx" packages
(and this way reinstal them into <prefix>/lib/perl/5.8.0/). Under
run-time you should see no incompatibilities, except that the section 3
manpages are no longer installed. The reason is that they just clutter
<prefix>/man/man3 with thousands of files without need, because a
simple "perldoc foo" instead of "man foo" still does the same effect

The main motivation for these major changes were that we wanted to fully
remove all redundancy in the "perl-xxx" packages and get again a fully
filesystem consistent packaging of all Perl stuff.

                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The OpenPKG Project                                    www.openpkg.org
Developer Communication List                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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