HEADS UP: Perl was fully re-packaged now in OpenPKG-CURRENT. The individual changes to the "perl" and "perl-xxx" packages were:
- upgraded base from Perl 5.6.1 to new stable 5.8.0 version - introduced perl-openpkg utility for use in perl-xxx packaging - All(!) modules are now in site_perl to avoid conflicts with base versions - use <prefix>/lib/perl instead of <prefix>/lib/perl5 to be consistent - use "%setup0 -q -c" instead of redundant "%setup0 -q -c -n %{name}-%{version}" - do not build and install man-pages because perldoc is enough - fixed various small bugs in packaging If you're upgrading to this new set of Perl packages, you first have to upgrade the "perl" package. After this all you "perl-xxx" packages will be dead (because staying under <prefix>/lib/perl5/5.6.1/), so you immediately also have to upgrade all your "perl-xxx" packages (and this way reinstal them into <prefix>/lib/perl/5.8.0/). Under run-time you should see no incompatibilities, except that the section 3 manpages are no longer installed. The reason is that they just clutter <prefix>/man/man3 with thousands of files without need, because a simple "perldoc foo" instead of "man foo" still does the same effect on-the-fly. The main motivation for these major changes were that we wanted to fully remove all redundancy in the "perl-xxx" packages and get again a fully filesystem consistent packaging of all Perl stuff. Ralf S. Engelschall [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.engelschall.com ______________________________________________________________________ The OpenPKG Project www.openpkg.org Developer Communication List [EMAIL PROTECTED]