OpenPKG Version Tracking Report

 Reporting Time:    2002-11-21 19:20
 Tracking Duration: 0:19:45 (H:M:S)
 Tracking Input:    569 sources (398 packages)
 Tracking Result:   546 up-to-date, 6 out-dated, 17 error

 The following 6 sources were determined to be out-dated because newer
 vendor versions were found. Upgrade the corresponding OpenPKG packages.

 ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
 Package                   Old Version               New Version              
 ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
 doxygen                   1.2.18                    1.3-rc1
 hevea                     2002.09.17                2002.11.06            [1]
 libwmf                    0.2.7                     0.2.7-2               [2]
 rdesktop                  1.1.0                     1.2beta1
 sed                       4.0.2                     4.0.3
 wml                       2.0.8                     2.0.9                 [3]
 ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
 [1] hevea: rse: 2002.11.06 fails: Reference to unbound regexp name `as' at char 1009
 [2] libwmf: thl: 0.2.7-2 broken; does not find libxml-config
 [3] wml: rse: broken, WML maintainer is investigating

 The following 17 sources could not be successfully checked because
 an error occurred while processing. Keep at least an eye on them.

 ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
 Package                   Old Version               Error                    
 ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
 bash:patches              205b-004                  2nd connection failed o..
 dsh                       0.0.17                    regex didn't match (pro..
 findutils                 4.1.7                     regex didn't match (pro..
 gdk-pixbuf                0.19.0                    connection failed or ti..
 gtk                       1.2.10                    2nd connection failed o..
 imlib                     1.9.14                    connection failed or ti..
 j2se14                    7.42                      connection failed or ti..
 kimwitu                   4_6_1                     connection failed or ti..
 libpcap                   0.7.1                     connection failed or ti..
 mc                        4.5.55                    connection failed or ti..
 mozilla                   1.0                       2nd connection failed o..
 ncurses:patchbase         20020901                  2nd regex didn't match ..
 orbit                     0.5.17                    connection failed or  [1]
 rxvt                      2.7.9                     regex didn't match (pro..
 siege                     2.55                      connection failed or ti..
 tcpdump                   3.7.1                     connection failed or ti..
 xv                        3.10a                     connection failed or ti..
 ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
 [1] orbit: ms: 0.5.17 popt subproject broken only on FreeBSD.

 The remaining 546 sources were successfully determined to be still
 up to date. No action is required on your part. Just be happy ;)

                              OpenPKG Version Tracker
                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The OpenPKG Project                          
Developer Communication List                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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