On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 07:38:24AM +0100, Michael van Elst wrote:
>On Wed, Feb 05, 2003, Bill Campbell wrote:
>> I'm attempting to build apache--1.3.27-20030202, and got everything
>> compiled with most of the options turned on.  When I go to install the
>> binary RPM, it comes up with a conflict on %{l_prefix}/bin/php between
>Can you specify what conflicts ?

See above.

INTERNET:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
UUCP:               camco!bill  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
FAX:            (206) 232-9186  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206) 236-1676
URL: http://www.celestial.com/

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    Will Rogers
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