On Thu, Mar 20, 2003, Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 19, 2003, Thomas Lotterer wrote:
> >     effect a compromise between error and create for nonexisting packages:
> >     create on enter, cleanup on leave if empty
> I would be even more radical: remove all files there which are older
> than 1 day. It's a temporary area while working with packages. Anything
> older than 1 day can be safely removed IMHO.
This would require some find/rm combination and that's in fact what i
started with. However, after some testing i found no portable, safe and
fool-proof way to detect if a directory is empty or contains just junk
and the path does not point to some dangerous (errornous) directory like
'/' so i went back a step and replaced a still unsafe screen-sized code
snipped with a single "rmdir" line.

Deleting files is probably too much magic anyway, so i assume the best
we can do is to provide some "cleanup" function with a "-dry" option, of

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